So on the Eve of not only a new year but a whole new decade what are the main things that you look back on from 2019 that you would consider being your biggest achievements?
I set out at the end of 2018 beginning of 2019 determined to achieve some personal and business goals that I set for myself .... my problem was that I failed to write them down!!
This year one of my goals is to actually write down my goals 🙈 🤣.
Looking back on my 2019 journey and achievements ....
Putting on my 'big girl pants' I knew that I wanted to grow and take my business forward in 2020 and to do this meant that I needed to 'get out there' and potentially do things that I was certainly NOT comfortable with! So I put on my biggest 'big girls pants' and joined a local ladies in business networking group ... something that I didn't think I had the confidence for but went and did it anyway... even though it was completely out of my comfort zone!
I met some lovely ladies at the first meeting and was surprised but also thrilled (and scared out of my wits) to be invited to take part in some 1:1 coaching sessions where I began to realise that I had the ability to overcome some of my fears and start to move forward.
I was encouraged by this and also delighted to find that I was beginning to get an insight into where I wanted to take my business in the future and also learned skills and techniques that I could use to take me forward in life as well as business!
10th Anniversary Celebrations I knew my business needed a massive overhaul and a kick up the backside after being ever so slightly neglected for the past few years ....
So to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of starting my cake journey I decided on a complete re-brand which included designing and building a whole new website which I personally completed! Okay so by no means is this project finished as I still have lots of tweaks to make and content to add .... and of course keeping up with SEO is no easy task 😉 BUT I completed in time for the relaunch of Dream Cake Designs on the 1st May!
Expanding my business potential
2019 also saw me supporting the launch of a fabulous new business @CandyCasions.
We collaborated on lots of fun launch projects which culminated in one lucky lady winning a Luxury Unicorn Candy Cart and Cake Package for her baby girl's Christening. We have also worked together to offer exclusive cake and candy cart packages for Baby Showers, Cake Smash and Baby's 1st Birthday events as well as Wedding Packages!
As part of my business growth plan and and personal challenge (building confidence) I also decided to bite the bullet and book some wedding fayres! Oh and believe me this totally needed a whole new bigger pair of Big Girl Pants as it had been nearly 7 years since I had ventured out on that journey.
I decided on a whole new approach to displaying and commissioned a fabulous copper pipe framework which was created by the very talented Mr S. Complete with voile curtain and sparkly lights this fabulous backdrop beautifully highlights the wedding cake display!
As a result of attending the wedding fayres I built up some really good relationships with other suppliers at the fayres and am delighted to be recommended as a wedding cake supplier for one of the venues and thrilled to have been invited back to show at their own open days in 2019 AND 2020!!
One thing that I have always wanted to do and I have a passion for is to pass on skills that I have learned along my caking journey ... as in 'Teach' (but that SOMEHOW sounds so formal!) AND as a former early years specialist I am more than comfortable in front of 30 + children ... BUT give me a group of adults and although I can put on my 'grown up teacher hat' I am still a blob of wobbliness inside!
SO I was thrilled (albeit very apprehensive), to be invited to a British Sugarcraft Guild (BSG) meeting over in Blackpool to demonstrate some cake modelling skills in the form of a hands on workshop. However can you imagine my complete and utter astonishment when I was told afterwards that it was the biggest turnout the branch had seen other than for a Christmas demonstration! What a fantastic achievement :) ... So I guess in terms of goals and achievements for 2019 I SMASHED IT!! ... or maybe I just got through it without too many major hiccups! In reality I figure I carried my business through another year ... surprised and amazed that I was still going strong after 10 years! I also continued to support my family in their business and personal lives and be supported by them in return AND managed to maintain a really healthy work life balance ... even managing a few weekends away in beautiful peaceful retreat with Mr. S. :) ... and also managed a couple of somewhat less peaceful retreats in the form of family holidays with my lovely hubby (Mr. S.), daughters and grandchildren and the real head of the family ... my mum! What am absolute roller-coaster of a year 2019 has been! Let 2020 commence!